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In DocIntel, observables are technical elements such as IP addresses, or domain names that allow analyst to detect, respond, or understand cyber threats. DocIntel stores all the obserables in a Vertex Synapse database. The database comes with a very powerful and mature data model, as seen in Synapse documentation.

The tags associated with observables are not DocIntel tags but Synapse tags. We decided to keep both separate as their annotate different objects at different abstraction level, with a different granularity.

How observables are extracted?

Observables are extracted based on regular expressions. The results of the matches are then automatically reviewed to exclude the most likely false positive. In doubt, DocIntel will add a tag _di.Review to the tag to indicate the user that this extracted observable is likely to yield false positive. The observables are extracted by the document analyzer.

When extracted, the observables are not added to the database of observables until they are reviewed. They are added to a specific layer of the database (called a Synapse view) that is a fork of the main database layer.