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Features and Enhancements

  • Introduce a complete REST API
  • Introduce tag rewriting. See this page for more details.
  • Bump dependencies to their latest version, and migrates to .NET 7
  • Small fixes in the WebApp User Interface
  • Makes importers and scrapers code more robust
  • Improves logging
  • Merges Console and AdminConsole. Only one CLI to rule them all.
  • Reduce memory footprint of services.


  • Fixes issues with the deployment script
  • Fixes issue when creating a non-default classification.
  • Fixes thumbnailer crashes when file is missing.
  • Ignores proxy when none is defined.
  • Fixes issues with nlog.config not copied, which is problematic on dev instances.
  • Check for administrator role in base data, not any role.
  • Avoid SolR commit and allow manual indexingy to not clear and commit.
  • Allow users to configure DTD Processing policy.
  • Fixes pagination in document search.
  • Allow owner to customize delays for various services. See documentation
  • Removes dependency and fixes issue when updating document.
  • Fixes logic issue with checking right to discard/delete document.
  • Fixes issues with PDF scraper.
  • Fixes issues with chaining of scrapers.
  • Ensure that documents are analyzed at startup if needed.
  • Fixes issue with observable extraction with parenthesis.

Improved Documentation

  • Documents the API with ReDoc. Available at https://YOURINSTNANCE/api-docs
  • Updates and installation instructions