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Organizations often use proxy servers on all their systems for the security and logging benefits, as well as to enhance performance. DocIntel is designed to operate successfully in any proxy environment.

DocIntel need not go through the proxy server to gain access to the database, Vertex Synapse instance, or Apache SolR instance. These services should be placed on the bypass list for exclusion of processing via a proxy server. This will demand defining a comma-separated list of regular expressions that describe targeted URIs that won’t pass in the data traffic from this operation.

To setup the proxy, you must alter your appsettings.json configuration file to include the following entries.

  "Proxy" : "",
  "NoProxy": "localhost,dev-docintel-.*"

At present, DocIntel does not provide the capability to configure distinct proxy servers and credentials for HTTP vs HTTPS traffic. If this functionality is paramount to you, then please submit a feature request so we can consider it in our future product roadmap.