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Automated tag extraction

Tags can be automatically extracted from document (in fact, files) when they are processed before their registration.

There are two ways for extracting tags:

  • Using keywords in tags,
  • Using a regular expression, that will create new tags in a facet.

Automated extraction with keywords

By default, when the checkbox “Auto extract” is enabled, DocIntel will look for the exact label of the tag (regardless the casing).

For example,

  • If you have a tag Russia in a facet sourceGeography with automated extraction enabled, any document that you upload that contains the word Russia will be automatically annotated with that tag.

  • If you have a tag NOBELIUM in a facet with automated extraction, any document that mentions the word NOBELIUM (or Nobelium) will be tagged accordingly.

However, if you have a tag titled T1003.003 - OS Credential Dumping: NTDS and you upload a file with the word T1003.003, the document will be not be tagged automatically as there is no exact match. To fill that gap, you can specify, in the tag edit page, extraction keywords. For that tag, you could add keywords like T1003.003 or NTDS but also related keywords like, ntdsutil.exe or Invoke-NinjaCopy as mentionned in the page OS Credential Dumping: NTDS from MITRE. This is a great way to make tagging faster.

Avoid very generic terms that would match all your documents. Tagging should not replace search but should help you have a structured information about the document.

Automated extraction with a regular expression

The previous section documented how keywords can be used to make tagging more efficient. However, it requires you to know and encode all the possible tags even if they follow a specific pattern.

For example, Mandiant names its actors according to a convention. As they explain in this article, their naming conventions title groups with APT, UNC or FIN followed by a number. In the same article Mandiant mention they are tracking more than 2000 groups. You certainly do not want to spend hours creating these tags manually, nor do you want these tags without any document attached.

To fill that need, you can specify a regular expression for a facet. If the expression matches, DocIntel will create a new tag with the match as a label.

The following table provides example of regular expression that could be useful for a CTI team:

Regular Expression Description Suggested facet
CVE-\d{4}-\d{4,7} Matches CVE numbers vulnerability
(APT|FIN|UNC)\d{1,4} Matches Mandiant group names actor.mandiant
APT-C-\d{1,4} Matches group names actor.360
DEV-\d{1,4} Matches Microsoft group names
TLP[\s:_\-](red|amber|white|clear|green|amber+strict) Matches common TLP notations tlp

If you have other ideas for regular expression, please reach out so we can update the table above for the whole cyber threat intelligence community.